Halloween on the hill

Halloween in DC is no joke you guys.

I got to experience my first Halloween on Capitol Hill and well basically… it was like a huge college party for kids, substituting the alcohol with candy that is. Almost 90% of the houses were decorated for the holiday and we aren’t just talking a pumpkin or two. We are talking skeletons, bones, ghosts, mummies, graveyards, giant spiderwebs, lights, enormous spiders crawling up the walls, you get the point. The neighbors all sat on their patios with music playing, the adults drinking, and the kids trick or treating. The streets were packed with mini disney princesses, superheroes, and skeletons all hyped up on sugar. The reason I know this is not because I personally was trick or treating (even though I sometimes look young enough to be), but because I joined my favorite DC family on their halloween festivities.

If you have seen my previous post about the sweetest and most handsome baby boy that I nanny, you’ll know which family I am talking about. If you haven’t seen it, well shame on you. 🙂 Anyway, Besa (Lorik’s momma) had a halloween competition for work and on Friday she had to send in a picture of her costume. Being the cool mom she is (literally, the coolest), she had THE best costume. We set up a little photoshoot on Friday and the competition was over as soon as she sent in her picture. Here is, Katy Perry and left shark.



just brilliant.

Lorik had two costume changes because well he’s Lorik and looks cute in everything. I am in love with this little dino.




I also got to tag along to the girl’s Halloween parade at school on Friday. The costumes were so adorable!

Zana was a peacock and Lira was a cowgirl and I was the embarrassing nanny who followed them around with my camera.

I brought my boy Louie to walk around with them on halloween night and figured he’d make the perfect prop to Lira’s costume. Here is the cowgirl with her horse

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Here is Z the peacock… or should I say sassy peacock? Work it girl.


AND of course a family photo. Katy Perry, left shark, cowgirl, peacock, and… Dave. I LOVE this family and had the best time experiencing my first DC Halloween. They are truly a treat to be with!

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Gabrielle Zoey (honorary member of the Pinchotti fam ;))

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